When you tune into your deeper level of consciousness (through meditation and yoga for example) and make decisions from this place, those are the decisions that are right for you.
Those decisions are the ones that move you forward and ensure you're living your best life.
The deeper levels of conscious knows who you truly are and knows what's right for your body
Day to day, we don't tap into this level of consciousness. Our Ego gets in the way and keeps us focused on the busyness of our lives.
When we're burnout, it's like our 'Ego-mind' is on steroids!
When you try to slow down and come out of burnout, the Ego mind tries even harder to distract you and keep you busy.
To get back to our thriving, happy selves we need to connect with that deeper level of consciousness.
The deeper level of consciousness is the essence of your being - it is who you are! Don't be afraid of it.
Focus on tapping into the deeper level of consciousness on a daily basis - even 5 mins of sitting still and focusing within.
You must peel back the layers of Ego - every time you hear your Ego taking control of your mind say 'Thank you Ego, but I don't need to do this right now'
Meditation is a great solution - it doesn't have to hard and you don't need to be a yogi.
Start by sitting still for 5-10 mins a day - listening to music or to your breath