Motivation – It's all about the 'why'

I have been speaking to so many women lately who are struggling with one thing – motivation. Perhaps it is the change in season or just something happening in the cosmos but motivation seems to be few and far between these days.

It is so hard to get back into a workout regime, to find your nutrition mojo again or generally just take care of yourself when your motivation has gone on holiday. Motivation is literally the desire to do things so when you ain’t got none, not much is going to get done!

So how do we get it back?

This all comes down to your why. Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get fitter? Why is it important to you to get more energy? Is it because you want to have more energy to play with your kids or just to be able to walk up the stairs at work without huffing and puffing? Are you going on a holiday where you will be sporting your swimsuit and want to feel sexy and confident? Once you know the answer to these then it is easier to find your motivation to do the things you really don’t want to do.

My why was to feel strong, fit and powerful. I wanted to put clothes on in the morning and feel good in them. I wanted my body to have the best chance it could have at healing itself without having to rely on medication. I wanted to be able to do things on holiday without having to worry that I ‘would be too heavy’ or ‘wouldn’t be fit enough.’ 

I suggest sitting down with your journal and writing a few sentences down on why you want to get back into the health groove. Then start implementing small steps that will get you to that point.

Are you struggling with your motivation? What is your why

To find out how health coaching can help you get your mojo back, book a FREE discovery session here and let’s get you back in the game. How many more Mondays are going to come and go before you finally reach those goals?


Book a complimentary Discovery Session here.

