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Can you imagine waking up each morning being crystal clear on what to focus on in your business? You feel aligned and on purpose with your mission and who you are serving and totally lit up (Louis Litt style!). Imagine doing less better and actually have your business move forward and all while you stay out of overwhelm.

But in reality you...

  • Are doing the webinars, challenges, daily posts and live videos but feel like it’s all falling flat

  • Don't feel lit up by the work you are doing or who you are serving but have no idea how to figure it out

  • Wondering if this coaching thing is ever going to work out for you and maybe it’s time to give up on the dream (you can’t possibly work any harder!)

I get it, you set out on this journey to create your dream life and all it feels like now is that you are the crazy one for believing it was possible! I spent way longer than I care to imagine trying to figure out why all my efforts were falling flat in my business and to be honest, I was ready to give up.

With certifications as both a Health Coach and Transformational Coach, I figured I was smart enough and that I should be able to figure it out on my own. In addition, I had also invested in two high-level group programs within the span of a year and had completed close to 1000 hrs of business training (including completing all of the modules!) between the two. But when I didn’t get the results after putting in the work, I thought that I was the problem. I knew what I really needed was one-on-one support to clear through the clutter and help me focus on the key actions that would actually move my business forward -- not another workbook.

However, I thought that getting additional support would mean that I had failed and I was terrified to invest even more into my business and still not see results.

Clearly there was something wrong with me.

Despite my frustration, I knew deep down that the pain of giving up would be far worse than the potential heartache of it not working. Thankfully I listened to that little voice inside, and this time having the one-on-one support is what tipped the scales.

What finally helped me end the cycle, was unpacking all of the chaos in my head with my coach and getting clear on my zone of genius. From that point, I felt like I came back into alignment with what I wanted to do and became more confident in my place in the online world. I felt like I had come home.

Focusing on key actions will move your business forward much quicker than doing #allthethings.

Imagine if you had the support and guidance of someone who has been there and knows how to shorten the timeline for you?

While marketing and strategies are essential to becoming successful in business sometimes those aren't the tools you need to move forward right now. I had all the business strategies that I could ever use and my business still wasn’t gaining traction.

I believe that you need to get in alignment with what your mission is first and only then will the funnels and marketing plans really work.

Are you done feeling stuck?

My coaching program focuses on the three main areas: mission, mindset and life strategy. I will take you through the same process I used to go from spinning my wheels and flat lining in my business to feeling more connected and on purpose than when I first started.

  • Rediscovering and connecting to the WHY behind your business

  • Unpacking your Zone of Genius and figuring out what you are meant for

  • Diving into your story and how your experience can help those you desire to serve

  • Reconnecting with the vision that you have for your life

  • Reinforce your success mindset to keep you on your A game and out of overwhelm

  • Navigating the limiting beliefs that have kept you spinning your wheels

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  • Designing systems in your business to remove overwhelm and allow you to do less better

  • Building intentional routines that will support you to feel alive and on purpose

  • Creating healthy boundaries around life and business that will support you to create a life that you are lit up by


90-Minute Braindump session to unpack your business and see what’s going on ‘under the hood’

11 x 60-minute weekly coaching sessions

Email and Voxer support in between sessions

Resources and recommended reading



$2,500 USD*

*Payment plan available upon consultation


Book your free 45 minute discovery session to discover if this is the right next step for you.



In my 4 years experience as an online coach, I’ve learned a thing or two! Initially as a Health Coach and more recently as a Clarity Coach for early-stage coaches.

I have been unofficially streamlining and organizing business and lives for (at least!) the last 15 years. I have a natural born talent to see the order through the chaos and I will support you to create an environment that generates a sense of calm and flow -- in both your online business and your home. Using these skills, I will help you to design routines that create more time whilst also learning how to do less better.

I am also heavily invested in your success. My mission is to support more women to step into their purpose. I believe that you have a gift to share with this world and I want to help you get it out there and support the clients you are meant to. I am committed to you being lit up by your work and in alignment with what you do because that is what sets my soul on fire.


I am a typical perfectionist, over achiever, a type personality, and I love the feeling of being productive and ticking items off my to-do list.. but the ‘minor’ detail was that I wasn’t… and the ‘harder’ I continued to work, the more my wheels kept spinning.

Thankfully, I was able to connect with Rachael and she was able to set me straight. Rachael supported to me to cut through the clutter and focus what I REALLY should be focusing on. She provided practical tools together with mindset practices that I could put in place immediately. These supported me to finally launch my blog/website, gain clarity on my vision and create a clearly defined roadmap to follow AND have MORE time for play! I had no idea how much of a game changer having clarity on my vision was…it has made my life and working on my biz so so much easier and more pleasant!

Nancy McMaster, Health Coach at